The correction I
The congress should not emit any law relating 2
To installation of religion or forbidding its free confession,
Either limiting a FOS or of printing, or the people right
Nonpredatory to be going to and revert to the government petitions ABT
Sufficing of complaints.

The correction II
As orderly organised militia
It is indispensable for safety of the free state, the people right
To store and wear the weapon should not limit.

The correction III
Any soldier should not be allocated in a peace time on
постой in any dwelling the consent of its holder; in the military
The time it is is possible, but only in the order established by the law.

The correction IV
The right of the people to warranties of the inviolability of person,
Home units, papers and property from unreasonable searches and arrestings not
It should be upset, and no warrants should be given differently
As at the sufficient bases 2 that, acknowledged by the oath
Or the application, and detailed description of the place which are coming under
To search, and faces or of the subjects which are coming under to arresting.

The correction V
Any face should not be made accountable for
The crime punished by mors, or for diverse dishonouring
Crime differently as on submission or accusatory
To grand jury inference, except for the businesses provoked in
Land or marine parts or in the militia called on
Active service during war or of the hazard menacing
To company; any face should not for the same offence
Doubly to expose to threat of the deprivation of life or of corporal punishment,
It should not be urged in any criminal case
To bear against it self, should not lose life, freedom
Or properties due legal routine; the private
The property should not be excepted 4 social needs
Valid reward.

The correction VI
At all criminal prosecutions the convicted has the right on
Exigent and public trial by the impartial
The jury trial of that staff and district, in which one crime
It is committed; and the terrain of such district should be determined
The law in advance; thus convicted has the right on
Leaving out on essence and the denunciation bases, on a confrontation
With the witnesses indicating against it, on the pressure
Call of the witnesses indicating in its favour, and to the aid the attorney
4 the guard.

The correction VII
Under all claims grounded on the common law, in which one price
The disputed claim exceeds twenty bucks, the right is saved
On the jury trial, and any fact considered by the jury trial,
Cannot be revised any court of the United States
Otherwise as according to rules of jus commune.

The correction VIII
Excessive liens should not be required, excessive fines
Should not superimpose, both severe and unusual punishments should not
To be assigned.

The correction IX
Listing in the Constitution of the certain rights should not
To be interpreted as refusaling or detracting of other rights saved
Behind the people.

The correction X
The authorities, not delegated to the United States the present
By the constitution and not forbidden 4 separate states, are saved
Accordingly behind states or behind the people.

The correction XI
The judicial authority of the United States should not
To propagate on any adversary proceeding grounded
On the common law or the law of equity which one is actuated or
It is conducted against one of states by citizens of other staff or
Citizens or citizens of any foreign state.

The correction XII
Electors are going to on the states and poll on
To reports for the President and the Vice-president which one should not
To be inhabitants of one staff; electors in the reports
Indicate a face for which one they poll as for the President, and in
Separate reports a face for which one they poll as for
The Vice-president, and they compound separate agendas of all faces,
For which one polled as for the President, and all faces, for which one
Polled as for the Vice-president, the direction of a poll,
Given for each of them; electors sign these agendas,
Certificate and route in the sealed kind in a stay place
The governments of the United States in name of the Chairman of the Senate;
The chairman of the Senate in the presence of the Senate and the House of Representatives
Dissects all certificated agendas and after that it is fabricated
Counting of votes; the face which has received the greatest poll,
Given for it as for the President, becomes the President, if
The required number compounds the majority vote of all assigned
Electors; if any face does not receive such majority
Voices, then from among faces under the candidate list in Presidents,
Received the greatest poll, but no more than from three,
The House of Representatives immediately elects the President,
Polling by means of reports. But at presidential elections
Voting is spent on states and representation from each
Staff has one voice; in this case the quorum is compounded by terms
The Houses of Representatives from two thirds of states, and 4 election
The president the competent majority of voices of all states. [And if
The House of Representatives when the option transfers 2 it, not
Will elect the President about the fourth day of following March, then
The Vice-president will fulfil responsibilities of the President, as well as in
Case of mors or of diverse constitutional disability of the President].
The face which has received the greatest poll, given for it as
For the Vice-president, becomes the Vice-president, if an unknown quantity
The number compounds the majority vote of all assigned electors,
And if any face does not receive the majority vote, then from two
Candidates under the agenda, received the greatest poll, the Senate
Elects the Vice-president; in this case the quorum is compounded by two
And 4 election of the Vice-president it is necessary for third of all senators
The majority vote of all senators. But any face, not
Subject according to the constitutional requests to election on
Post of the President, should not be elected on a post
The Vice-president of the United States.

The correction XIII
Partition 1. Neither servitude, nor dependent job, if only
They are not punishment for a crime, for which one face
It has been orderly denounced, should not exist in
The United States or in any diverse place, subordinated them
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XIV
Partition 1. All faces, born or naturalized in
The United States and their subordinate jurisdiction, are
Citizens of the United States and that staff where they bunk.
One of states should not emit or apply laws, which one
Limit privilegess and privileges of citizens of the United States; and not
Can deprive any staff any face of life, freedom or
Properties suitable legal routine; cannot
To refuse any face within the jurisdiction in the equal
To guard on the basis of laws.
Partition 2. Places of quoters are arranged between
Separate states according to quantity of their population, in which one
All inhabitants of each staff enter, eliminating not taxable
Indians. But if at holding election of electors of the President and
The Vice-president of the United States, quoters in the Congress,
Service employees executive or of a judicial authority of staff or
Terms of the state legislature of staff in the right to vote it will be refused to someone
From the male inhabitants of the staff who has attained twenty one years and
The United States being citizens, or this right will be
It is restricted on any diverse bases, except for involvement
In revolt or in diverse crime, the electoral quotient
From this staff should be diminished in that ratio, in which one
The number of such citizens of a male matches up with total number
The male citizens of this staff who has attained twenty one
Partition 3. Any face cannot be the senator or
The quoter in the Congress, or the elector of the President and
Of the Vice-president or to hold any post, civil
Or military, founded by the United States or any
Staff, if it in the capacity of the Congressman or of the service employee
The United States or the term of the state legislature of any staff, or
The service employee executive or of a staff judicial authority, earlier
Having taken oath ABT that will sustain the Constitution
The United States, afterwards participated in mutiny or
Revolt against the United States or assisted or
Support to their enemies. But the Congress can two thirds of voices
Each of chambers to eliminate such limitation.
Partition 4. Legitimacy of a public debt Connected
The states, recognised as the law, including promissory notes on
To payment of pensions and distribution of awards for the service at mutiny depressing
Or of revolt, it is not called into question. But the United States,
Any staff should not take over the liabilities or
To allow any debts accepted 4 rendering assistance to mutiny
Or to revolt against the United States or 4 sufficing
Any claims concerning loss or of slave release; all
Similar debts, bonds and claims should be considered
Illegal and invalid.
Partition 5. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XV
Partition 1. The Right to vote of citizens of the United States should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff on the basis of strain, colour of a skin or execution
Before dependent job.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XVI
The congress has the right to establish and levy
The incomes, whatever was their radiant, not arranging these taxs
Between separate states and disregarding any census or
Numerations of the population.

The correction XVII
In the Senate structure enter on two senators from each staff,
Elected by its people for six years; and each senator has one
Voice. Voters in each of states should match
To the requests presented 2 voters by most multiple
Chambers of the state legislature of staff.
When in representation of any staff in the Senate
There will be vacancies, the executive power of such staff emits
The command on holding election 4 filling-up of these vacancies thus
Condition, that the staff state legislature can commission the executive
Authority to effect temporary appointments before holding election and
Elections on vacancies in that order which one can be
It is fixed by the state legislature.
The present Correction should not be interpreted in such a manner that
Its operation will propagate on election or for term of office
The senator elected before the Correction will become effective as
Constitution part.

The correction XVIII
[Partition 1. In a year after ratification of the present article
Production, sale and carriage alcoholic beverages, importation and
Their exportation for the purpose consumings in terrain of the United States and
In all terrains which are coming within the jurisdiction Connected
States, are prohibited.
Partition 2. The congress and separate states have the joint
The competence on support of operation of the present article by means of
Adoptions of the appropriate legislation.
Partition 3. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
separate states according to rules
Constitutions within seven years after the Congress
Will introduce to its states.]

The correction XIX
The right to vote of citizens of the United States should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff it is by sign hollow.
The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment of rules
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XX
Partition 1. Terms of office of the President and the Vice-president
Effuse in midday of 20th day of January, and terms of office of senators
And quoters - in midday of 3rd day of January of that year, when
The indicated authorities should conclude, if
The present article has not been ratified; and from this MOM
Terms of office of their heirs start to be calculated.
Partition 2. The congress is going to at least once in
Year, and such the court is opened in midday of 3rd day of January, if
Only the Congress by means of an adoption of law will not assign the diverse
Partition 3. If by that day with which one time starts
Authorities of the elected President, there will set in his death,
The selected Vice-president becomes the president. If the President
Has not been elected by day with which one time of its authorities starts,
Or if the selected President does not meet the requirements,
Presented 2 the candidate on this post, then the elite
The Vice-president fulfils responsibilities of the President until
The president cannot meet the indicated requests; and the Congress,
If neither the selected President, nor the selected Vice-president not
Meet the requirements, presented 2 the candidate on this post,
Can establish by means of an adoption of law who exactly will be
To fulfil responsibilities of the President, or to determine order
Elections of a face to which one should fulfil responsibilities
The president, and such face will perform the corresponding
Responsibilities while the President or the Vice-president cannot
To meet the requirements, presented 2 the candidate on this post.
Partition 4. The congress can by means of an adoption of law
To provide measures causa mortis someone from faces, from which one
The House of Representatives when the option transfers 2 it,
Elects the President, and causa mortis someone from faces, from
Which one the Senate when the option transfers 2 it, elects
The Vice-president.
Partition 5. Partitions 1 and 2 become effective in 15th day of October
After ratification of the present article.
Partition 6. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
three quarters of separate states within seven years
After its submission.

The correction XXI
Partition 1. The eighteenth article of a corrections to of the Constitution
The United States by the present it is canceled.
Partition 2. Carriage or importation to any staff, on
Any terrain or in any ownership Connected
States 4 delivery or consumption of alcoholic beverages in
Violation of the laws operating in them, is forbidden to the presents.
Partition 3. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of A corrections to of the Constitution by convents
Separate states according to Constitution rules in
Flow of seven years after will introduce the Congress to its states.

The correction XXII
Partition 1. Any face cannot be elected on a post
The president more than two times, and any face if it occupied
Post of the President or fulfilled responsibilities of the President in
Flow more than two years, substituting a face elected by the President, not
Can be elected on a post of the President more than once. But
The present article is not applied pertaining to faces, which one
Holds a post the President for a moment, when the present article
It is tendered by the Congress, and does not hinder during time
Coming into force of the present article to any face, which one
Can hold a post the President or fulfil responsibilities
The president to hold a post the President or to perform
Responsibilities of the President during the remained time.
Partition 2. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
three quarters of separate states within seven years
After the Congress has introduced to its states.

The correction XXIII
Partition 1. The district which is a place of stay of the government
The United States, assigns in the order established
The congress, it is so much electors of the President and Vice-president,
How much senators and quoters in the Congress the district could
To elect, if it was staff, but at all in larger
Number, than from the least populated staff; electors are assigned in
Addition 2 what are assigned by states, and are considered
At presidential elections as the electors assigned from staff;
Electors are going to in district and execute those responsibilities, which one
Are fixed by the Correction XII.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXIV
Partition 1. The right of citizens of the United States to participate in
Voting on any primary or diverse selections for the President or
The Vice-president, for electors of the President or of the Vice-president
Or for senators or of quoters in the Congress should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff owing to non-payment of any selective
Or of diverse tax.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXV
Partition 1. In case of discharge of the President from a post or
His death or of resignation the Vice-president becomes the President.
Partition 2. When the post of the Vice-president becomes
Vacant, the President assigns the Vice-president who enters
In a post after assertion by the majority vote of both chambers
The congress.
Partition 3. When the president will introduce to the Chairman pro
temроrе the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that it not in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, such authorities and responsibilities
Implement the Vice-president as fulfilling responsibilities
Until the President will not introduce the president to them
Written statement ABT the return.
Partition 4. When the Vice-president and the majority or the highest
Service employees of departments of an executive power, or such
Other organ, which one Congress by means of an adoption of law
Can found, will introduce to the Chairman pro tempore the Senate and
To the speaker of the House of Representatives the written statement ABT that,
That the President not in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, the Vice-president immediately
Accepts authorities and responsibilities ex officio as
Fulfilling responsibilities of the President.
Further, when the President will introduce to the Chairman pro
tempore the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that it in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, it restarts their implementing,
If only the Vice-president and the majority or the highest official
Faces of departments of an executive power, or such other
Organ, which one Congress by means of an adoption of law can
To found, will not introduce within four days to the Chairman pro
tempore the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that the President not in a status to execute
Authorities and responsibilities on the post. In this case
The congress solves the yielded problem, having been going to 4 this purpose during
Forty eight hours if its session at this time is not spent.
If the Congress within twenty one days on receipt of
The indicated written statement or - if the Congress does not sit
At session - within twenty one days after it
Should be going to, will decide the two-thirds majority of voices
Both chambers, that the President not in a status to execute authorities
And responsibilities on the post the Vice-president continues
To execute them as fulfilling responsibilities of the President; in
Opposite case the President restarts exercise of powers
And responsibilities on the post.

The correction XXVI
Partition 1. The right of citizens of the United States is elderly
Eighteen years also is higher to participate in voting should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff depending on an age.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXVII
Any law, resizing rewards of senators and
Terms of the House of Representatives, should not become effective B4
Carryings out of following selections in the House of Representatives.

The constitution of the United States of America

We, the people of the United States, for the purpose to organise more than 29
Perfect Soyuz to establish justice, to secure the interior
Calmness to ensure joint defence, to promote
To general welfare and to tighten freedom blessings to us and
By our offspring it is intoned and established the present
The constitution of the United States of America.

Article I
Partition 1. All legislative powers, the present
Established, belong to the Congress of the United States, which one
Consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Partition 2. The House of Representatives consists of terms,
Elected times in two years the people of separate states; and voters
In each of states should meet the requirements, presented 2
To voters of the most multiple chamber of the state legislature of staff.
Any face cannot become the quoter, if it not
Has attained an age of twenty five years and was not within seven years
The citizen of the United States, also is not during carrying out
Selections by the inhabitant of that staff from which one it is elected.
[Places of quoters and direct taxes are arranged between
Separate states which one can be switched on in present Soyuz,
According to quantity of their population which one is determined
By means of gaining 2 total number of the free faces - switching on in
This number of those who has entered a service for certain time, and
Eliminating not taxable Indians - three fifth all other
Faces]. Numeration of actual population of states will be
It is effected within three years after the first meeting of the Congress
The United States and in subsequent each ten years in that
Order which one will be certain by the law. Number of quoters
It is established at the rate of one quoter no more than from
Each thirty thousand inhabitants provided that each staff
Will have at least one quoter; and until then,
While such numeration will not be effected, staff Nju-Gempshir
Has the right to elect three quoters, Massachusetts - eight,
Rhode Island and plantations in Providence bay - one, Connecticut -
Five, New York - six, New Jersey - four, Pennsylvania -
Eight, Delaware - one, Maryland - six, Virginia - ten.
Northern Carolina - five. South Carolina - five and Georgia -
If in representation from any staff will be discovered
Vacancies, the staff executive power makes order ABT carrying out
Selections 4 filling-up of these vacancies.
The House of Representatives elects the Speaker and others
Service employees; and it to one posesses the impeachment right.
Partition 3. The senate of the United States will be organised of two
Senators from each staff, [elected them] 2 on
Six years; and each senator has one voice.
As soon as senators will be going to after the first selections, they
Should be shared on three, whenever possible numerically equal,
Bunches. Places of senators of the first bunch become vacant on
The expiration of the second year, second group - at the expiration of fourth
Year and third group - at the expiration of the sixth year, so that
The senate could be re-elected on an one-third each two years; [and if
Owing to resignation or on diverse cause vacancies will be discovered in
Rest time in meetings of the state legislature of any staff,
The executive power of this staff can effect the temporary
Purposes before following meeting of the state legislature which one will fill in
These vacancies] 3.
Any face cannot become the senator if it has not attained
Ages of thirty years also were not within nine years the citizen
The United States, also is not during holding election
The inhabitant of that staff from whom it is elected.
The Vice-president of the United States is the Chairman
The senate, but has no right to participate in voting, if only
Voices of senators will not be divided equally.
The senate elects other service employees, and also the Chairman
pro tempore for the period of lack of the Vice-president or fulfilment
It of responsibilities of the President of the United States.
The senate posesses the trial exclusive right
On impeachment. Sitting with that end in view, senators take oath
Or make a declaration. If the President appears at court
The United States, the Chief justice presides; and any
The face cannot be denounced the consent of two thirds
Present terms.
Condemnation as impeachment should not provide
Diverse punishments, except a decapitating and the debaring
To occupy and perform any honorary, responsible or
Income post on the service of the United States; after
Such condemnation the face nevertheless is attracted 2
Liability, and denunciation, proceeding, the sentence
And punishment should match to the law.
Partition 4. Times, a place and an election procedure
Senators and quoters are established by the state legislature of each
Staff; but the Congress can at any time by means of adoption
The law to establish or variate these regulations, except for those,
Which one touch a site of negotiations of selections of senators.
The congress is going to not less often than an once in a year, and each it
The court is opened [on the first Monday of December], if not
Diverse day will be assigned.
Partition 5. Each chamber itself establishes legitimacy
Carryings out and election returns and correspondence of its terms
To the requests presented 2 candidates, and the majority of terms
Each of chambers will organise the quorum indispensable for business management; but
The chamber and in a smaller structure can tolerate the meetings
One day on other and if it is authorised chamber,
To ensure a pressure appearance of missing terms in that form
And under the threat of those punishments which one each chamber can
To provide.
Each chamber can lay down rules carryings out of the
Meetings to punish the terms for the behaviour upsetting
Order, and with the consent of two thirds of chamber to eliminate the term of chamber
From the structure.
Each of chambers conducts the log-book of the meetings and in
Certain times publishes it, except for those partitions,
Which one can, on its opinion, require secret saving; at
Voting by any problem answers in shape "yes" or "is not present" on
To desire by one footstep of present terms of chamber are skidded in
The log-book.
Any of chambers during Congress session cannot
The consent other to tolerate the meetings more than for three days
Or to assign their carrying out in diverse place, than, where chambers
Should sit.
Partition 6. Senators and quoters receive for the service
Reward which one is established by the law and is allowed
Treasury of the United States. Except cases of the change, heavy
Crimes and disturbances of public peace, terms of chambers in
Force of the rule cannot be seized in a time
Determinations at session, runnings on session and recurrings from it; and
For any protrusions or involvement in debate in any of chambers
Them cannot examine in any diverse place.
Neither the senator, nor the quoter during time, on which one
They are elected, cannot be assigned on any civil
The post founded by the United States if it is created
Or the contents on it is increased in the same time; and any face,
Occupying the post, founded by the United States, cannot
To be the term of any of chambers while sojourns in this post.
Partition 7. All administration bills of receipt of the state
Incomes outgo from the House of Representatives; but the Senate can, as well as
Under other administration bills to tender 2 them corrections or
To agree on their depositing.
Each administration bill accepted by the House of Representatives, before
Than becomes the law, it is routed the President of the United States;
If the President countenances the administration bill, he signs it, if not
Countenances, returns with the declaimings in that from chambers, from
Which one the administration bill outwent, and this chamber skids in the log-book
All declaimings completely also gets down to its revision. If
After such revision of two third of chamber will countenance the administration bill, it
It is routed together with declaimings of the President to other chamber, in
By which one it will be repeatedly considered, and after adoption by two thirds
Chambers becomes the law. But in all indicated cases
Voting in both chambers is spent by name in the form of the answer
"Yes" or "is not present", and names of the faces, voting for or against
The administration bill, are registered according to each chamber.
If any administration bill is not returned by the President during
Ten days (not considering Sundays) after was to it
It is introduced, the administration bill becomes the law the same as if
It has been signed by the President, if only transmission of meetings
The congress does not hinder with administration bill recurring - in it
Case the law it does not become.
All commands, resolutions or solutions on which one can
To appear the Senate and House of Representatives consent is necessary
(Except a problem on meeting transmission), are introduced to the President
The United States; and after approval by it they become effective or in
Disapproval case can be again accepted two thirds of voices
The senate and the House of Representatives in the same order and W the same
Limitations which one are established pertaining to administration bills.
Partition 8. The congress has the right: to introduce and levy,
Tolls, assemblies and excises to allow debts and
To ensure joint defence and common prosperity Connected
States; thus all tolls, assemblies and excises should be 33
Einartig in all terrain of the United States;
To borrow capital against security the United States;
To adjust trade foreign states, between
Separate states and nations of Indians;
To establish einartig regulations of naturalisation and
Einartig laws on bankruptcy in all terrain Connected
To mint, adjust its worth and foreign
Coins and to establish unities of weights and measures;
To provide liability for a counterfeit of securities and
Coin of the United States being in circulation;
To found post services and mail roads;
To promote an advancement of science and useful handcrafts, tightening
For restricted time for authors and originators the exclusive
The rights to compositions belonging to them and discovering;
To found courts, subordinate in relation to the Supreme court of judicature;
To determine concepts and to punish for fulfilment of a piracy and
The crimes committed in the high sea, and crimes against
The rights of the nations;
To declare war, give letters of marque and
Resolutions on the retaliation and to lay down rules acquisition of trophies
Overland and on water;
To form and contain armies, but secreted on these purposes
Money resources should not be established more than on
Biennial time;
To create and ensure fleet;
To emit regulations on steering land and naval forces
And their architectures;
To provide order of call-up of militia 4 support
Fulfilments of laws of Soyuz, depressing of revolts and reflectance
Encroachments on its terrain;
To provide architecture, armament and discipline regulations
Militias and manuals of that its part which one can be
It is used on the service of the United States, saving for
Appropriate states the right of purpose of officers and preparation
Militias on the basis of the regulations of discipline directed by the Congress;
To execute exclusive legislature on all
To problems pertaining to that district (not exceeding on square
Ten square miles), which one owing to concession by the separate
The stay mestome becomes states and its adoptions by the Congress
The governments of the United States and to execute the same authority
In all terrains redeemed from the consent легислатур of those
States where they are disposed, 4 exponentation of forts, block constructions
Warehouses, arsenals, wharfs and other indispensable facilities, and
To emit all laws which one are indispensable and pertinent 4
Implementings of the authorities set forth above and all others
The authorities given by the present Constitution to the government
The United States, or to its any department, or
To the service employee.
Partition 9. Relocation or importation of those faces, which one any of
States existing nowadays will consider possible to accept, should not
To be prohibited by the Congress till one thousand eight hundred eighth,
However the tax or the toll, not can be established on such importation
Exceeding ten bucks for each face.
Operation of the privileges of the injunction habeas corpus not
Can be suspended, if only that will not require
The social security in case of mutiny or of encroachment.
Any bill ABT disgrace or the law, retroactive, not
Should strike root.
Any the tax or diverse direct tax should not
To be established differently as on the basis of census or of numeration
The populations which one carrying out is offered above.
Any tax or the toll should not be established on
The subjects exported from any staff.
Advantages on what that should not be given
Was to installations ABT trade or taxs to ports of one staff
B4 ports of other; also do not owe the boats following from one
Staff in other or it is revertive, to be urged 2 approach in ports
Other staff, to unload or payment there tolls.
Any sums of money cannot be given from
Treasuries differently as according to appropriations,
Established by the law; and introduced regular services and
Records on receipts and expending of public funds
Should to be published in certain times.
Cannot be welcomed the United States any
Titles of noble family; and any face which one occupies the bringing
The income or the honorary office founded by the United States,
Cannot accept the Congress consent any gift,
The contents or the title, whatever they were, from any
The king, the prince or of a foreign state.
Partition 10. Any of states cannot conclude any
Agreements to enter the unions or of confederation; to give
Testimonies on privatering and resolutions on the retaliation; to pinch out
Coin; to exhaust bank notes; to provide payment
Debts, except as gold or a silver coin; to accept
Any bills ABT disgrace, laws, retroactive, or
The laws which are violating obligations under agreements and also to favour
Titles of noble family.
Any of states cannot tax the Congress consent
Any assemblies or tolls importation or removal of the goods, for
Exclusion of those of them which one are unconditionally indispensable 4
Fulfilments of inspection laws of staff; and the net income from all
Tolls and the assemblies entered by staff on importation or removal of the goods,
Acts in the instruction of treasury of the United States; and all
Such laws come under to revision and monitoring from the side
The congress.
Any of states cannot the Congress consent
To establish tonnage dues, to contain in troops peace time
Or warships to enter into agreements or diverse contractual acts W
Other staff or foreign power or to enter war,
If only actually staff has not exposed to encroachment or it not
Such imminent danger, when delay threatens
It is inadmissible.

Article II
Partition 1. The Executive power is given the President
The United States
. It holds the post during
Four-year-old time and together with the Vice-president sampled on
The same time, is elected as follows.
Each staff assigns in the order, established it
The state legislature, electors which one number should be equally common
To number of senators and quoters which one staff has the right
To route to the Congress; but thus any senator or
The quoter or a face occupying honorary or bringing
The income a post founded by the United States, cannot be
Are assigned by electors.
[Electors are going to in the states and poll by means of
Reports for two faces which one should not be inhabitants of one
Staff? And they list all faces for which one polled,
The direction of quantity of the voices given for each of them; this
They sign the agenda, certificate and sealed route in
Place of stay of the government of the United States in name of
The chairman of the Senate. The chairman of the Senate in the presence of terms
The senate and the House of Representatives dissects all certificated
Agendas and after that the counting of votes is fabricated. A face,
The received greatest poll, becomes the President, if
Only this number compounds the majority vote of all assigned
Electors; if more than one face has received the mentioned
The majority and equal poll, then immediately Chamber
Quoters, polling by means of reports, elects one
From them the President; if any face does not receive the majority
Voices then the indicated Chamber in the same order elects
The president from among five faces which have received the greatest poll
Among all candidates under the agenda. But at presidential elections
Voting is spent on states, and representation from each
Staff has one voice; in this case the quorum is compounded by terms
Chambers from two thirds of states, thus 4 election of the President
The competent majority of voices of all states. In each case after
How the President will be elected, the face which has received greatest
The poll of electors, becomes the Vice-president. But if
It will appear so, that two or larger number of faces will receive the equal
Poll, then the Senate, polling by means of reports,
Elects from them the Vice-president].
The congress can establish times of election of electors and day,
When they give voices; this day should be unified on all
Terrains of the United States.
Any face, except the citizen by the right of a birth or
The citizen of the United States at the moment of adoption of the present
Constitutions, cannot be elected on a post of the President; equally
As any face, not cannot be elected on this post
Attained an age of thirty five years and not bunked during
Fourteen years in the United States.
[In case of discharge of the President from a post its or
Morses, resignations or disabilities to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on named transfer those posts 2
To the Vice-president, and the Congress by means of an adoption of law can
To establish, what service employee in case of discharge, morses,
Resignations or disabilities of the President and the Vice-president will be
To act as the President, and such service employee should
To act in appropriate way, it will not be eliminated yet
The cause of disability or the new President will not be elected] 6.
The president in target dates receives for the service
Reward which one cannot be increased or diminished in
Flow of that time on which one it is elected; and during this time
It should not receive any diverse contents from Connected
States or from any staff.
B4 the entrance into a post the President swears on oath
Or makes a declaration in the following form: "I solemnly upon my soul
(Or I state), that I will honesty take up a post
The president of the United States and in process of all forces
To sustain, guard and protect the Constitution Connected
States ".
Partition 2. The president is the commander-in-chief of army and fleet
The United States and called on an active service
The United States militias of separate states; it can request
In written form from the highest service employees of each of
Departments of an executive power judgement on any problem,
Concerning their responsibilities ex officio, and to it it is given
The right of delay of fulfilment of sentences and the pardon for prestuple -
ния against the United States, except for businesses on impeachment.
It has the right on advice and with the consent of the Senate to conclude
Agreements under condition of approval by their two thirds of present
Senators; it assigns on a post both on advice and from the consent
The senate introduces into posts of ambassadors, other official
Quoters and consuls, judges of the Supreme court of judicature and all others
Service employees of the United States, injection in which one post
In diverse order it is not provided by the Constitution and which one posts
Are statutory; but the Congress can by means of adoption
The law to accord a right purposes of such subordinate
Service employees as whom he will consider possible, to the President
Individually, to boats or heads of departments.
The president has the right to fill in any vacancies, which one
Can be discovered in the season between Senate sessions, giving
Certificates on posts, which one period of validitys effuse 2
To the end of following session.
Partition 3. The president yields if necessary to the congress
Status information of businesses in Soyuz also recommends 2 consideration
The congress such measures which one, on its opinion, are indispensable and
Are expedient; it can assemble at force majeure
Both chambers or one of them and in case of differences between them on
To halter of time of transmission of meetings can put aside them for that time,
What will consider possible; it accepts ambassadors and other official
Quoters; he cares of, that laws honesty
Were performed, and certificates as all service employees
The United States.
Partition 4. The president, the Vice-president and all civil
Service employees of the United States can be discharged from
Posts on impeachment for high treason, bribery
Or for other serious crimes and offences.

Article III
Partition 1. The Judicial authority of the United States is given
To one Supreme court of judicature and such quantity of court belows,
Which one the Congress can establish and found if necessary.
Judges as Sovereign, and court belows occupy the
Posts while their behaviour is stainless, and in a set time
Receive for the service reward which one cannot be
It is diminished in their dwell-time in a post.
Partition 2. The Judicial authority propagates on all businesses,
Which one are considered under the common law and the law of equity and
Originate on the basis of the present Constitution, laws Connected
States and the agreements, concluded or concluded from their name; on
All businesses concerning ambassadors, other official quoters and
Consuls; on all businesses concerning admiralty and marine
Jurisdiction; on chaffers, the side in which one are Connected
States; on chaffers between two or more states; between any
Staff and citizens of other staff; between citizens of the various
States; between the citizens of one staff presenting the rights
On the lands yielded by other states, and between staff its or
Citizens and foreign states, citizens or
On all businesses concerning ambassadors, other official
Quoters and consuls, and also on businesses, in which one staff
Is the side. The supreme court of judicature has the initial
The jurisdiction. On all other businesses mentioned above the Supreme court of judicature
Has appellate jurisdiction on problems as the rights, and
The fact such exclusions and according to those regulations,
Which one are fixed by the Congress.
The action at law in boats of all crimes, behind exclusion
Impeachment cases, it is fabricated by the jury trial; and such
The action at law should be fabricated in that staff, where the mentioned
Crimes are committed; but if crimes are committed for
Limits of any of states, trial in court
It is fabricated in that place or places what the Congress can
By means of an adoption of law to determine.
Partition 3. High treason to the United States
It is considered only support of war against them or apposition to them
To enemies and rendering of the help by it and contributings. Any face cannot
To be denounced for high treason differently as ground
Indications of two witnesses ABT the same obvious act or
Characteristic adjudicating on a court public meeting.
The congress has the right to provide for punishment for
High treason, but adjudicating guilty of change does not involve
Deprivations of all rights and a status or a confiscation differently
As inter vivos a guilty face.

Article IV
Partition 1. Full confidence and respect should appear in
Each of states to official acts, deeds and judicial
To stuffs of any other staff; and the Congress can by means of
Adoptions of laws of a general purpose to direct that mode,
To which one should confirm the indicated acts, deeds, judicial
Stuffs and their operation.
Partition 2. To citizens of each of states are given all
Privilegess and privileges of citizens in other states.
The face convicted of any staff in the state
Change, grave crime or diverse crime and which one
Hides from justice and it is revealed in other staff, on
To request of an executive power of that staff, from which one it
Has hidden, comes under to distribution 4 dispatch to that staff, to the jurisdiction
Which one persuit for this crime enters.
[Any face, bound to be in a service or at jobs in
One staff according to its laws and running in other staff, in force
Any law or the staff decree does not come under
To release from a service or of jobs, and should be given out under the claim
That from the sides which one such service or of job can be
Are recognised by droitural] 7.
Partition 3. New states can strike root the Congress in
The present Soyuz; but any new staff cannot be organised or
It is created in limits of jurisdiction of any other staff and any
Staff cannot be organised by means of interflow of two or more
States or parts of states the consent Interested states, no less than the Congress.
The congress has the right to dispose belonging Connected
To states terrain or diverse property and to accept all
Indispensable regulations and installations pertaining to them; and any
The rule of the present Constitution should not be interpreted to the detriment of
To any claims of the United States or any otdel -
ного staff.
Partition 4. The United States secure to each staff in
The present Soyuz a republican form of government also protect each
From them from encroachment and - on reversal of the state legislature or
Executive power (when the state legislature cannot be assembled) -
From the clutters escorted by violence.

Article V
The congress if two thirds of terms of both chambers consider it
Indispensable, can tender a corrections to of the present Constitution
Or - on reversal two thirds of states - to assemble
Convent 4 the proposal of corrections, which one in both cases
Gain validity throughout as a part of the present
Constitutions after their ratification three quarters
States or convents of three quarters of states depending on
What order of ratification can tender the Congress; at
It any correction which one can be accepted B4 one thousand
Eight hundred eighth, should not affect somehow
Paragraphs first and fourth partition 9 of article I; and any of states
its consent cannot be deprived equal other states
Rights to vote in the Senate.

Article VI
All debts and the bonds existing before adoption
The present Constitution, save 4 the United States after
Adoptions of the present Constitution the same validity, as at
The present Constitution and laws of the United States,
Accepted in pursuance it, and all agreements which one are concluded
Or will be encased by authority of the United States, become
The sovereign right of country; and judges in each of states are bound
To follow this right, whatever were the Constitution rules
Or of laws of any of states.
Senators and the quoters mentioned above, and terms
separate states, and all service employees
Executive and a judicial authority as United States, and
Separate states undertake, swearing on oath or making a declaration,
To sustain the present Constitution; cannot be requested
Any confirmation of religious beliefs in the capacity of conditions
4 occupation of any post or an official post,
Founded by the United States.

Article VII
Ratification by convents of nine states is sufficient
4 coming into force of the present Constitution 4 those states,
Which one thus ratify it.