Population census of the USA

The office of population census of the USA has got down to execution of the most complicated problem on which one it is released 14,5 billion bucks: precisely to enumerate all inhabitants of the USA – approximately 309 million persons. In census switch on all: citizens and the aliens having a constant place of residence and the homeless.
The constitution of the USA directs to spend regularly inventory “numerositys of inhabitants” countries – and not only citizens, the mate of the director of Office of population census under ten years' programs of census has reported Wainberg. Single exclusion, he has told, foreign ambassadors and the employees of diplomatic representatives bunking at ambassadorial complexes who officially are considered as foreign state terrain are.
Appearing on March, 26th at a briefing in the Washington press centre 4 foreign journalists, Wainberg has illustrated, that the Constitution requires to fabricate the complete inventory of a population of the USA each 10 years that in the Congress of the USA all Americans have been validly introduced.
On a population depends, how much Congressmen this or that staff can route to the House of Representatives. States the multiple population have the right to larger number of quoters, and, therefore, have more than political agency. (Each staff has at least one term of the House of Representatives.)
One more cause of census operation of the population is “updating of borders of election districts so that they were the equal dimension”, has told Wainberg. Each term of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the USA introduces one district in the staff, and the equal number of people should bunk at each election district of staff. States alter often borders of the districts – 4 congressional elections of the USA or in a legislature of states – on the basis of outcomes of population census.
At count of a population 4 quantifying of places in the House of Representatives all immigrants, irrespective of their status are allowed. “To enumerate it is required all”, – has told Wainberg, having added, that “courts sustain the present approach any more one century”.
Census 2 has a major financial implication 4 all living in the USA. The federal government is grounded on census data, determining, in what volume to cities federal funds with a total sum more than 400 billion bucks annually will be secreted. These tools help to finance hospitals, training centres, schools, dwellings 4 elderly, extreme services and public designs, such as construction of bridges and tunnels.


Wainberg recognised, that many immigrants bunking at the United States suitable deeds, can be afraid to enter contact pieces to the federal authorities. The population census office tries to establish the communications them by means of advertising and in cooperation active workers, leaders of ethnic churches and other faces to which one people in immigrant communities trust. The census schedule is accessible in six tongues, and the program of the language help – on 60.
“It is problem – to come into contact piece to people 4 which one the English tongue is not native, – has told Wainberg. Is a hard problem, but we make huge force tuning up of connection with each of them”.
The population census office "uses the best efforts" to protect identity of respondents, has told Wainberg. Employees of Office of census who collect and process information, “is oath promise all life to protect confidentiality of these data, – he has told. – we guard individual questionnaires, and we will promulgate practically only tables, only summary data, and EVN the law on a control terrorism“ Patriot of the USA ”cannot cancel these warranties”.
“We interchange data National agency of archives which one 2 ensures their confidentiality”, – has marked Wainberg. Individual entries will not be promulgated within 72 years, and data of former years form often the basis for genealogical probes, such as observation of pedigrees.
The census schedule for 2010 switches on only 10 problems which one touch an age, sex, race and ethnic heritage of the respondent. This year for the first time approximately the bilingual English-Spanish questionnaire has been delivered 13 million monogynopaediums. “We consider, what is it will raise the level a contestability in neighbouring communes predominance of the Spanish-speaking population”, – has told Wainberg.
Problems on a religious accessory are prohibited by the legislation of the USA. Data ABT religions, which one Offices of population census publishes in the statistical reports, are going to from the records introduced by religious architectures, he has explained.
The data received thanks to the short questionnaire, will be supplemented by interrogations of the Service of a population accounting which one regularly collects more detailed sampled information on all country. In these interrogations annually participates about 3 million persons, has reported Wainberg.
In the end of April about 700 000 workers of census, or of "counters", will start to visit, not returned the short questionnaire to be convinced that have considered them, has told Wainberg. Some employees should work during the hours of darkness, visiting places, “where the homeless is going to, and trying them to consider”, he has told.