The correction I
The congress should not emit any law relating 2
To installation of religion or forbidding its free confession,
Either limiting a FOS or of printing, or the people right
Nonpredatory to be going to and revert to the government petitions ABT
Sufficing of complaints.

The correction II
As orderly organised militia
It is indispensable for safety of the free state, the people right
To store and wear the weapon should not limit.

The correction III
Any soldier should not be allocated in a peace time on
постой in any dwelling the consent of its holder; in the military
The time it is is possible, but only in the order established by the law.

The correction IV
The right of the people to warranties of the inviolability of person,
Home units, papers and property from unreasonable searches and arrestings not
It should be upset, and no warrants should be given differently
As at the sufficient bases 2 that, acknowledged by the oath
Or the application, and detailed description of the place which are coming under
To search, and faces or of the subjects which are coming under to arresting.

The correction V
Any face should not be made accountable for
The crime punished by mors, or for diverse dishonouring
Crime differently as on submission or accusatory
To grand jury inference, except for the businesses provoked in
Land or marine parts or in the militia called on
Active service during war or of the hazard menacing
To company; any face should not for the same offence
Doubly to expose to threat of the deprivation of life or of corporal punishment,
It should not be urged in any criminal case
To bear against it self, should not lose life, freedom
Or properties due legal routine; the private
The property should not be excepted 4 social needs
Valid reward.

The correction VI
At all criminal prosecutions the convicted has the right on
Exigent and public trial by the impartial
The jury trial of that staff and district, in which one crime
It is committed; and the terrain of such district should be determined
The law in advance; thus convicted has the right on
Leaving out on essence and the denunciation bases, on a confrontation
With the witnesses indicating against it, on the pressure
Call of the witnesses indicating in its favour, and to the aid the attorney
4 the guard.

The correction VII
Under all claims grounded on the common law, in which one price
The disputed claim exceeds twenty bucks, the right is saved
On the jury trial, and any fact considered by the jury trial,
Cannot be revised any court of the United States
Otherwise as according to rules of jus commune.

The correction VIII
Excessive liens should not be required, excessive fines
Should not superimpose, both severe and unusual punishments should not
To be assigned.

The correction IX
Listing in the Constitution of the certain rights should not
To be interpreted as refusaling or detracting of other rights saved
Behind the people.

The correction X
The authorities, not delegated to the United States the present
By the constitution and not forbidden 4 separate states, are saved
Accordingly behind states or behind the people.

The correction XI
The judicial authority of the United States should not
To propagate on any adversary proceeding grounded
On the common law or the law of equity which one is actuated or
It is conducted against one of states by citizens of other staff or
Citizens or citizens of any foreign state.

The correction XII
Electors are going to on the states and poll on
To reports for the President and the Vice-president which one should not
To be inhabitants of one staff; electors in the reports
Indicate a face for which one they poll as for the President, and in
Separate reports a face for which one they poll as for
The Vice-president, and they compound separate agendas of all faces,
For which one polled as for the President, and all faces, for which one
Polled as for the Vice-president, the direction of a poll,
Given for each of them; electors sign these agendas,
Certificate and route in the sealed kind in a stay place
The governments of the United States in name of the Chairman of the Senate;
The chairman of the Senate in the presence of the Senate and the House of Representatives
Dissects all certificated agendas and after that it is fabricated
Counting of votes; the face which has received the greatest poll,
Given for it as for the President, becomes the President, if
The required number compounds the majority vote of all assigned
Electors; if any face does not receive such majority
Voices, then from among faces under the candidate list in Presidents,
Received the greatest poll, but no more than from three,
The House of Representatives immediately elects the President,
Polling by means of reports. But at presidential elections
Voting is spent on states and representation from each
Staff has one voice; in this case the quorum is compounded by terms
The Houses of Representatives from two thirds of states, and 4 election
The president the competent majority of voices of all states. [And if
The House of Representatives when the option transfers 2 it, not
Will elect the President about the fourth day of following March, then
The Vice-president will fulfil responsibilities of the President, as well as in
Case of mors or of diverse constitutional disability of the President].
The face which has received the greatest poll, given for it as
For the Vice-president, becomes the Vice-president, if an unknown quantity
The number compounds the majority vote of all assigned electors,
And if any face does not receive the majority vote, then from two
Candidates under the agenda, received the greatest poll, the Senate
Elects the Vice-president; in this case the quorum is compounded by two
And 4 election of the Vice-president it is necessary for third of all senators
The majority vote of all senators. But any face, not
Subject according to the constitutional requests to election on
Post of the President, should not be elected on a post
The Vice-president of the United States.

The correction XIII
Partition 1. Neither servitude, nor dependent job, if only
They are not punishment for a crime, for which one face
It has been orderly denounced, should not exist in
The United States or in any diverse place, subordinated them
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XIV
Partition 1. All faces, born or naturalized in
The United States and their subordinate jurisdiction, are
Citizens of the United States and that staff where they bunk.
One of states should not emit or apply laws, which one
Limit privilegess and privileges of citizens of the United States; and not
Can deprive any staff any face of life, freedom or
Properties suitable legal routine; cannot
To refuse any face within the jurisdiction in the equal
To guard on the basis of laws.
Partition 2. Places of quoters are arranged between
Separate states according to quantity of their population, in which one
All inhabitants of each staff enter, eliminating not taxable
Indians. But if at holding election of electors of the President and
The Vice-president of the United States, quoters in the Congress,
Service employees executive or of a judicial authority of staff or
Terms of the state legislature of staff in the right to vote it will be refused to someone
From the male inhabitants of the staff who has attained twenty one years and
The United States being citizens, or this right will be
It is restricted on any diverse bases, except for involvement
In revolt or in diverse crime, the electoral quotient
From this staff should be diminished in that ratio, in which one
The number of such citizens of a male matches up with total number
The male citizens of this staff who has attained twenty one
Partition 3. Any face cannot be the senator or
The quoter in the Congress, or the elector of the President and
Of the Vice-president or to hold any post, civil
Or military, founded by the United States or any
Staff, if it in the capacity of the Congressman or of the service employee
The United States or the term of the state legislature of any staff, or
The service employee executive or of a staff judicial authority, earlier
Having taken oath ABT that will sustain the Constitution
The United States, afterwards participated in mutiny or
Revolt against the United States or assisted or
Support to their enemies. But the Congress can two thirds of voices
Each of chambers to eliminate such limitation.
Partition 4. Legitimacy of a public debt Connected
The states, recognised as the law, including promissory notes on
To payment of pensions and distribution of awards for the service at mutiny depressing
Or of revolt, it is not called into question. But the United States,
Any staff should not take over the liabilities or
To allow any debts accepted 4 rendering assistance to mutiny
Or to revolt against the United States or 4 sufficing
Any claims concerning loss or of slave release; all
Similar debts, bonds and claims should be considered
Illegal and invalid.
Partition 5. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XV
Partition 1. The Right to vote of citizens of the United States should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff on the basis of strain, colour of a skin or execution
Before dependent job.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XVI
The congress has the right to establish and levy
The incomes, whatever was their radiant, not arranging these taxs
Between separate states and disregarding any census or
Numerations of the population.

The correction XVII
In the Senate structure enter on two senators from each staff,
Elected by its people for six years; and each senator has one
Voice. Voters in each of states should match
To the requests presented 2 voters by most multiple
Chambers of the state legislature of staff.
When in representation of any staff in the Senate
There will be vacancies, the executive power of such staff emits
The command on holding election 4 filling-up of these vacancies thus
Condition, that the staff state legislature can commission the executive
Authority to effect temporary appointments before holding election and
Elections on vacancies in that order which one can be
It is fixed by the state legislature.
The present Correction should not be interpreted in such a manner that
Its operation will propagate on election or for term of office
The senator elected before the Correction will become effective as
Constitution part.

The correction XVIII
[Partition 1. In a year after ratification of the present article
Production, sale and carriage alcoholic beverages, importation and
Their exportation for the purpose consumings in terrain of the United States and
In all terrains which are coming within the jurisdiction Connected
States, are prohibited.
Partition 2. The congress and separate states have the joint
The competence on support of operation of the present article by means of
Adoptions of the appropriate legislation.
Partition 3. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
separate states according to rules
Constitutions within seven years after the Congress
Will introduce to its states.]

The correction XIX
The right to vote of citizens of the United States should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff it is by sign hollow.
The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment of rules
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XX
Partition 1. Terms of office of the President and the Vice-president
Effuse in midday of 20th day of January, and terms of office of senators
And quoters - in midday of 3rd day of January of that year, when
The indicated authorities should conclude, if
The present article has not been ratified; and from this MOM
Terms of office of their heirs start to be calculated.
Partition 2. The congress is going to at least once in
Year, and such the court is opened in midday of 3rd day of January, if
Only the Congress by means of an adoption of law will not assign the diverse
Partition 3. If by that day with which one time starts
Authorities of the elected President, there will set in his death,
The selected Vice-president becomes the president. If the President
Has not been elected by day with which one time of its authorities starts,
Or if the selected President does not meet the requirements,
Presented 2 the candidate on this post, then the elite
The Vice-president fulfils responsibilities of the President until
The president cannot meet the indicated requests; and the Congress,
If neither the selected President, nor the selected Vice-president not
Meet the requirements, presented 2 the candidate on this post,
Can establish by means of an adoption of law who exactly will be
To fulfil responsibilities of the President, or to determine order
Elections of a face to which one should fulfil responsibilities
The president, and such face will perform the corresponding
Responsibilities while the President or the Vice-president cannot
To meet the requirements, presented 2 the candidate on this post.
Partition 4. The congress can by means of an adoption of law
To provide measures causa mortis someone from faces, from which one
The House of Representatives when the option transfers 2 it,
Elects the President, and causa mortis someone from faces, from
Which one the Senate when the option transfers 2 it, elects
The Vice-president.
Partition 5. Partitions 1 and 2 become effective in 15th day of October
After ratification of the present article.
Partition 6. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
three quarters of separate states within seven years
After its submission.

The correction XXI
Partition 1. The eighteenth article of a corrections to of the Constitution
The United States by the present it is canceled.
Partition 2. Carriage or importation to any staff, on
Any terrain or in any ownership Connected
States 4 delivery or consumption of alcoholic beverages in
Violation of the laws operating in them, is forbidden to the presents.
Partition 3. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of A corrections to of the Constitution by convents
Separate states according to Constitution rules in
Flow of seven years after will introduce the Congress to its states.

The correction XXII
Partition 1. Any face cannot be elected on a post
The president more than two times, and any face if it occupied
Post of the President or fulfilled responsibilities of the President in
Flow more than two years, substituting a face elected by the President, not
Can be elected on a post of the President more than once. But
The present article is not applied pertaining to faces, which one
Holds a post the President for a moment, when the present article
It is tendered by the Congress, and does not hinder during time
Coming into force of the present article to any face, which one
Can hold a post the President or fulfil responsibilities
The president to hold a post the President or to perform
Responsibilities of the President during the remained time.
Partition 2. The present article does not become effective, while it not
It will be ratified in the capacity of Constitution A corrections to
three quarters of separate states within seven years
After the Congress has introduced to its states.

The correction XXIII
Partition 1. The district which is a place of stay of the government
The United States, assigns in the order established
The congress, it is so much electors of the President and Vice-president,
How much senators and quoters in the Congress the district could
To elect, if it was staff, but at all in larger
Number, than from the least populated staff; electors are assigned in
Addition 2 what are assigned by states, and are considered
At presidential elections as the electors assigned from staff;
Electors are going to in district and execute those responsibilities, which one
Are fixed by the Correction XII.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXIV
Partition 1. The right of citizens of the United States to participate in
Voting on any primary or diverse selections for the President or
The Vice-president, for electors of the President or of the Vice-president
Or for senators or of quoters in the Congress should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff owing to non-payment of any selective
Or of diverse tax.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXV
Partition 1. In case of discharge of the President from a post or
His death or of resignation the Vice-president becomes the President.
Partition 2. When the post of the Vice-president becomes
Vacant, the President assigns the Vice-president who enters
In a post after assertion by the majority vote of both chambers
The congress.
Partition 3. When the president will introduce to the Chairman pro
temроrе the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that it not in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, such authorities and responsibilities
Implement the Vice-president as fulfilling responsibilities
Until the President will not introduce the president to them
Written statement ABT the return.
Partition 4. When the Vice-president and the majority or the highest
Service employees of departments of an executive power, or such
Other organ, which one Congress by means of an adoption of law
Can found, will introduce to the Chairman pro tempore the Senate and
To the speaker of the House of Representatives the written statement ABT that,
That the President not in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, the Vice-president immediately
Accepts authorities and responsibilities ex officio as
Fulfilling responsibilities of the President.
Further, when the President will introduce to the Chairman pro
tempore the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that it in a status to execute authorities and
Responsibilities on the post, it restarts their implementing,
If only the Vice-president and the majority or the highest official
Faces of departments of an executive power, or such other
Organ, which one Congress by means of an adoption of law can
To found, will not introduce within four days to the Chairman pro
tempore the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the written
The application for that the President not in a status to execute
Authorities and responsibilities on the post. In this case
The congress solves the yielded problem, having been going to 4 this purpose during
Forty eight hours if its session at this time is not spent.
If the Congress within twenty one days on receipt of
The indicated written statement or - if the Congress does not sit
At session - within twenty one days after it
Should be going to, will decide the two-thirds majority of voices
Both chambers, that the President not in a status to execute authorities
And responsibilities on the post the Vice-president continues
To execute them as fulfilling responsibilities of the President; in
Opposite case the President restarts exercise of powers
And responsibilities on the post.

The correction XXVI
Partition 1. The right of citizens of the United States is elderly
Eighteen years also is higher to participate in voting should not
To be disputed or limit the United States or
Any staff depending on an age.
Partition 2. The congress has the right to ensure fulfilment
The present article by means of adoption corresponding

The correction XXVII
Any law, resizing rewards of senators and
Terms of the House of Representatives, should not become effective B4
Carryings out of following selections in the House of Representatives.