The constitution of the USA secures to each staff the republican form of the government – that is the government led by the quoters of the people elected by all population.

As a rule, the frame of the government of staff matches to a federal government: in each staff there is an elective head of an executive branch the authorities (governor), an independent judicial authority and the legislative branch of authority elected by the population.

Executive power

The executive branch of authority in each staff is responsible for daily job of the government, rendering of services to the population and law-enforcement activity. At the head of this branch of authority there is a governor elected by universal suffrage of the population of staff on two-or four-year-old (depending on staff) time. Other highest service employees of an executive power who can not be assigned and are elected, switch on the vice-governor, the state secretary of staff, the main public prosecutor, the main auditor, and also terms of various boards and the commissions. If assignment to position does not require holding election purposes are normally fabricated by the governor.


In all states there are two-chamber legislative assemblies elected by the population, except for the State of Nebraska where one-chamber legislative assembly acts. Terms of legislative assemblies are elected from one-mandate districts, as a rule, for two or four years. In miscellaneous states this government body is called variously. In the majority of states the upper chamber is called as the senate, and the lower chamber can be called as the House of Representatives, a pay of delegates, or staff assembly.
Main responsibilities of legislature switch on adoption of novels, adoption of the budget of staff, assertion of purposes in executive and judicial branches of authority, and also a verification of compliance over executive power activity. In many small states terms of legislative assembly are in combination and receive only symbolical reward. Sessions of a similar legislature normally last some weeks or of MTH then deputies return 2 the direct labour. Terms of legislative assemblies in larger states are all year long and receive the pecuniary reward and the social privileges corresponding to the status of a permanent job.

Judicial authority

Judicial systems of states have the jurisdiction in problems which one do not come under to consideration in federal courts, including the majority of civil cases inter parties within the same staff, criminal cases ABT violation of laws of staff or of the aboriginal legislation, business from family law partition, and also the problems relating to the constitution of staff.
The highest degree of jurisdiction in each staff is sovereign or staff appeal court. Judges of such superior court are normally elected on long-term, but not lifelong, times. The staff superior court normally has only appellate jurisdiction – consideration of correctness of the solutions accepted by court belows. Its solutions, in turn, can be appealed in the Supreme court of judicature of the USA. The frame of courts of inferior jurisdiction is hardly varied from staff 2 staff. In some states civil and criminal cases are considered in separate boats, and in all states in this or that form there are aboriginal borough courts or courts of district 4 consideration of petty offences and claims.

Authorities and liability of the governments of states

As the sovereign subject within the limits of a federal system of the USA, for each staff has a constitution, elective service employees and system of government bodies. States have authorities to pass laws and to ensure their keeping, to levy, and also to run the businesses basically W / O interference from a federal government or of other states.
The main liability for support of many relevant services and functions which one influence daily life of inhabitants of these states is placed at the governments of states. These services and functions switch on the following:
- Definition of standards in a sphere of education and methods of financing of national education;
- Construction and maintenance of a transport infrastructure;
- Organisation of colleges subsidised with staff and universities;
- Licensing to businesses and specialists and a regulation of their activity;
- Building of boats and system of the criminal justice, not relating to federal level, and also supervision of them;
- Social security support;
- Distribution of marriage certficates and driver's licence;
- Distribution of birth certificates and mors and filing of births and morses;
- Administration implementing by programs financed by staff in the field of health protection and support of inhabitants W low yields or of invalids housing and a feeding;
- Steering of reservations of staff and other grounds having the status of protected areas and intended for rest and leisure of the population;
- Administration of holding election and assertion of their outcomes, including selections of federal service employees;
- Command of National guards of staff, except those seasons when its subdividings are called on the national service.
In many states some of the indicated responsibilities in full or in part are passed the aboriginal governments. For example, in the majority of states of the marriage certficate are given by the governments of cities or of districts.

Role of constitutions of states

Unlike the Constitution of the USA in which one enough general words use, constitutions of states can be very detailed and concrete. For example, constitutions of many states contain the detailed definition of regulations of bond issue or definition of the jurisdiction of various boats of staff. Y in constitutions of states so it is a lot of particularses? One of the causes consists that to these constitutions to make corrections and fluctuations lighter, than in the Constitution of the USA. In many states for this purpose there is enough approval by the majority vote on general election in staff.
Other cause is that the governments of states, unlike a federal government, often can use other authorities, execute which one it it is not forbidden. Really to limit competences of the government of staff, limitations should be set accurately up in the constitution of this staff.
At last, in many states, according to their constitutions, there should be a balance budget. Exclusions – such, for example, as a loan 4 financing transport or of diverse construction projects, – should be stipulated in the staff constitution.